Osteopathy and Exercise Instruction
These appointments are ideal for patients who are recovering and would like to increase the exercise they are able to do, or those struggling with rehabilitation exercises at home. These sessions, combined with activity will increase confidence to help our patients get more active in their lives. As Ailis works with you, you will move from treatment to exercise in a way that is tailored to your current needs. The aim is to integrate exercise into daily routines and restore your movement patterns to enhance your experience of activity and to reduce the risk of further injury, maintain and improve strength and flexibility.

Osteopathy and Exercise Instruction - 1 Hour

Book your appointment online
Call us
0131 557 2211
23 Eyre Place, Edinburgh, EH3 5EX
Opening hours
Monday – Wednesday 8.30 am – 7 pm
Thursday & Friday 9 am – 7 pm
Email us